another "Art Crew" member gets hitched...

Monday, June 26, 2006

One of Jill's friends decided that he'd take this plunge that all our friends seem to be taking now...Marriage. So, Jill and I set out to Bay St. Louis, Mississippi last week. We met Brandi and Shane along the way, because let's face it, no matter how much we like the person that's getting married, us guys have got to have someone to joke with during the ceremony while the girls are getting all teary-eyed. And who better to do that with than some of your best friends!

Anywho, here are some pics from our trip...

This is the view from the front of the church. You can see that is was a circle driveway, and where the sand is...used to be Beach St. But the Hurricane Katrina took the street and much more away from these great people. But they're getting back. The church itself had undergone renovation before Katrina hit, it was ruined after the storm hit almost a year ago. They had just finished the floors Wednesday, the pughs Friday, and still had plywood front doors...but this church and wedding were beautiful!

This is Shane and Brandi some of our favorite people!! You might notice them from last years blog entry from the great CHEAHA Mt.... This is me and Jill!!! Sorry I just love this hold out the camera and take a picture thing....

Just look how ornate these windows are!!! This church is over 154 years old! and in great condition... Imean how awesome is this ceiling! I wish I had a lens that could get the whole thing! it's beautiful!

Sorry guys but i'll post more pics in another post. For some reason bloggers image inserter wanted to crap out on me... and i've got to show you the other cool stuff we saw this weekend! So see you soon!!

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