Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Before we were Mr. and Mrs. we were just Josh and Jill. This was my girlfriend! Ain't she sexy!? Our first braves game together and also the night I told her I loved her. She said....ummmm, Not ready...WHAT!? not ready, what ever the heck that meant. Anyway, she loved me she just didn't want to say it. Because, well just cause. By the way the Braves did win this game and it was the best time I'd ever had at a ball game, and ya'll know how many i've been to.
This is my BRICK!!! My name is immortalized at Plainsmen Park!!! Thank you so much who ever did that! I still have no idea....But it's cool anyway.
Memphis! What else can i say...this is the first time that Jill did TN's State HOG Rally Logo. Man can you believe that Jill's a Harley Chick!? I didn't until i actually saw it for myself. This was probably the most anticipated event of OUR summer! It was the first time i'd been to Memphis and the best time i'll probably ever have there! It was truly a big step in our future.
Beale ST. --->
Ok guys that's enough for tonight next time i'll tell ya'll about the time we... well crap, i'll think of something funny. Anyway, have a good one...